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Neuroscientists have to work with the assumption that the mesh between brain activity and behaviour is very...
A talk given by neurologist Revd Dr Alasdair Coles
Exploring the God Question is a six-part documentary with accompanying group study material that explores the scientific evidence for and against God.
Alasdair Coles tries to express just how complicated the human brain is...
Bill Newsome explains the evidence so far. But don’t forget that we should expect to find neurological correlates...
The brain has a huge capacity for change, and in childhood it changes quickly...
Alasdair Coles talks about the way religion is related to the brain. He explores...
Our brains shape us by constraining the kinds of things we are able to do - but, says Bill Newsome, we also have...
Questioning the usefulness of talking about a 'God Spot'. Any behaviour involves...
Is spiritual experience simply a mis-firing of neurons in the brain, and so not to be trusted? Alister...
Alasdair Coles discusses how he sees mind and brain relating to one another. The brain...
What if spiritual experience has no reality outside our skulls? What if we make God? Or is it simply not...
Malcolm Jeeves - Psychologist