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The story of Darrel Falk's childhood and Christian upbringing. He describes the reasons why he questioned...
Exploring the God Question is a six-part documentary with accompanying group study material that explores the scientific evidence for and against God.
Simon Conway Morris tells the story of his PhD research on the Burgess shale with Stephen Jay Gould. He explains...
Neil Shubin is a paleontologist who's fascinated by the deep history of the planet.
Martin Bott - Geologist
Darrel Falk talks about his experience of finding a church which would be his community, accept him, and encourage...
Some say that evolution is an accidental process, but is there a deeper pattern to evolution? Simon Conway Morris...
What did Charles Darwin believe? And what can we learn from it?
This beautifully produced documentary navigates the difficult ground of the creation-evolution debate
Ard Louis never had a serious problem with evolution, although there was a time when he had to...
Humans are unique, but intelligence isn't. Birds such as crows and parrots are very intelligent. Dolphins...
The Spirituality of Science course challenges the myth that science and faith are at odds, and puts forward the idea that science is spiritual.
Neo-Darwinism is an extension of the theory of evolution by natural selection which Darwin proposed which...
Darrel Falk explains that ID is a 'big-tent' movement which can include anyone from young earth creationists to...
The former Director of the Human Genome Project and current Director of the US National Institutes of...
A concise definition of biological evolution.
What does it mean to say that evolution has a random element? In everyday life it sometimes means...
This is a lighthearted look at the ‘Intelligent Design’ debate. . The presenter Randy Olson (filmmaker and...
Denis Alexander explains why he thinks evolutionists don’t have to be atheists.
Evolutionary creationists need to do a better job of communicating the fact that they accept the evidence for evolution...
Denis Alexander gives two examples of ways in which evolution has been misused, and used to justify...
Dawkins's use of evolution as evidence against God is philosophy rather than science. John Bryant's own view is...
Duncan Vere - Physician
Simon Conway Morris makes the argument that although life may be a very rare phenomenon, once it gets...
Colin Humphreys - Materials Scientist
How can Christians reconcile a loving God with the theory of evolution, and its seemingly selfish and painful mechanism, natural selection?
God is generous and powerful says Denis Alexander - and waste is not something he needs to worry about...
Alasdair Coles explains his understanding of the 'image of God', and how...
Denis Alexander tackles the issue of all the suffering and death involved in evolution.
Influential figures like Richard Dawkins can give the impression that belief in God arises from a general...
Alasdair Coles discusses the difference between humans (homo sapiens) and other animals.
Are we just an evolutionary accident, or is there a purpose to life? Bill Newsome describes how his Christian faith...
Different Christians have different ideas about the Fall. Denis Alexander explains his own view. It's clear that...
This mutually respectful discussion presents different Christian viewpoints on modern versions of Darwin’s...
Dr Wilkinson considers the problem of 'waste' in the process of evolution.
One answer to the problem of evil is simply that we shouldn’t assume that we are to know everything. Another...
The ‘New’ Atheism, 10 Arguments that don’t hold water is a short, pocket sized, critical response to recent...
Again, there are lots of different views among Christians. Denis Alexander explains his own view.
Peter Harrison talks about the response to Darwin's theory in the Church at the time when it was published.
Richard Dawkins’ latest book is a very readable and entertaining summary of the evidence for evolution...
Denis Alexander explains the 'theistic evolution' interpretation of the Bible, where the timescale of evolution...
One of Ard Louis' areas of research is self-assembly - how seemingly random movements lead to...
Even if altruistic behaviour developed through evolution, moral behaviour is still a bit of a mystery. Francis uses...
Evolution can seem like a random process, but some biologists think that there is evidence for order and...
Sam Berry - Evolutionary Biologist
We should be careful not to overestimate the role of suffering in evolution. A tiny reduction in reproductive fitness...
Denis Alexander explains that the main reason why he rejects the idea that the earth is young is because he...