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Rosalind Picard explains why she believes that we have free will. Other scientists don't, but it's difficult to see how...
The story of Darrel Falk's childhood and Christian upbringing. He describes the reasons why he questioned...
Alister McGrath describes two ways to approach science: first that it tells us all that is...
Sir John Polkinghorne discusses the ambitions and limits of science, and the deep resonances...
Former British MET Office Director General Sir John Houghton tells us what he thinks...
For theoretical physicist Ard Louis, the mathematical deep order of the universe...
There are many more kinds of evidence and reason than scientific evidence...
One of the fundamental problems with multiverse theory...
Within the life of a local church, we don't affirm science enough...
Most Christians at the beginning of the twentieth century thought that the world was...
Nuclear Physicist Ian Hutchinson says that the real problem globally is...
The image of God means that we represent God in the world, and that...
The ethics of embryos is very complex. Ethics is largely about...
In the near future, Dr Alexander says that the issue of prenatal genetic testing is...
There are many complicated issues surrounding the issue of human enhancement...
Science is not the only rational way of knowing and thinking...
Dr David Wilkinson tells us how he became interested in physics, how his faith related to...
Darrel Falk tells the story of his coming back to faith and the events leading up to that.
Physicist David Wilkinson suggests that apologetics should not seek to produce proofs...
How do we know what is true, either in science or in Christianity? Is 'Why is the universe here?' an important...
Peter Harrison gives a nuanced answer to the question, 'Don't scientists deal with...
Ard Louis describes his idyllic childhood in rural Africa with his friends and his pet chimpanzee...
Alister McGrath discusses two specific areas for collaboration between the natural sciences...
For Bill Newsome, science is concerned mostly with mechanism, while religion deals with other questions, such...
David Wilkinson talks about some of the issues in science and faith that he struggles...
Ard Louis had to do some hard thinking when he was an undergraduate at Utrecht, and again as...
What did Charles Darwin believe? And what can we learn from it?
Jennifer Wiseman discusses life on other planets, and the theological implications of that possibility.
Darrel Falk answers the question, 'If a young Christian undergraduate came to you and said, what is our current...
The New Testament encourages Christians to test everything and hold on to what is good. Christians...
Bill Newsome discusses the idea that no science will ever provide proof for God - but that's ok, many important...
David Wilkinson talks about the portrayal of science and religion in the popular culture...
There are some questions which science is unable to answer. Why does the universe exist? Why are we here?
Peter Harrison says that while religion might be related to why certain people do...
Ard Louis never had a serious problem with evolution, although there was a time when he had to...
Jennifer Wiseman explains why she doesn't think the existence of life on other planets would be a problem...
Isn't reading Genesis 1-3 figuratively a slippery slope to giving up miracles such as the parting of the Red Sea...
Ard Louis explains his doubts about Intelligent Design, both scientific and theological.
Rosalind points out the flaws that she sees in the logic of the 'humans as robots' argument.
Physicist turned priest John Polkinghorne tells the story of Fred Hoyle's discovery of where carbon comes from...
The complexity of religious behaviour and spiritual experience.
Peter Harrison talks about the possibility of science being helpful to religion.
Our current debates about science and religion are not about the scientific method. Today, we all accept that the...
Alister McGrath explores the relationship between science and religion. Why do people often...
Dr Polkinghorne talks about the Christian belief in miracles, and ends with...
The former Director of the Human Genome Project and current Director of the US National Institutes of...
Questioning the usefulness of talking about a 'God Spot'. Any behaviour involves...
Science-faith issues come up in many different settings in Oxford. Some are very high level...
A good scientist should acknowledge that we don't know "half a percent of anything", so to assume we can rule...
Science is probably the most successful operation human beings have every set out to do. However, science...
When Rosalind Picard was younger, she assumed religion was for emotionally or intellectually stunted people. The...
John Polkinghorne, the retired Principal of Queens College, Cambridge, reflects...
Dr Wilkinson speculates about the interests of future generations.
Peter Harrison discusses the way scholars have revised their opinions about science in...
What does it mean to say that evolution has a random element? In everyday life it sometimes means...
Simon Conway Morris describes how he came to the Christian faith, and why he has rejected materialism.
Evolutionary creationists need to do a better job of communicating the fact that they accept the evidence for evolution...
Is spiritual experience simply a mis-firing of neurons in the brain, and so not to be trusted? Alister...
As a trained scientist Rosalind Picard believes that everyone should be open to and interested in new evidence for...
John Polkinghorne talks about the origins of his faith, how that faith stands alongside...
Peter Harrison discusses the idea that most early scientists were really proto-atheists...
The former co-chair of the scientific assessment panel of the Intergovernmenal Panel on Climate Change, and...
G.K. Chesterton is important because he was a fascinating and intelligent essayist, novelist, and philosopher, a...
Ard Louis was surprised when he was first learning about science and Christianity that actually...
Alister McGrath discusses the significance of recent research into childhood spirituality. Is belief...
There are many intellectual objections to faith, but they can be dealt with. The biggest issue is perhaps the way...
Dr Wilkinson explains why, even if Genesis is not a scientific account, it still adds...
Peter Harrison reflects on the historic connection between Theology and astronomy...
What if spiritual experience has no reality outside our skulls? What if we make God? Or is it simply not...
You cannot do good science without doubt. Likewise, doubt can be helpful for faith. Ultimately the test of faith is...
Astronomer and author Jennifer Wiseman tells how she first encountered God, and what got her interested...
Ard Louis explains his own view of how science and faith relate to each other - one that recognises...
Christians working in science are often invited to react to the criticisms of atheists. How can...
Francis Collins reflects on the personal costs of talking about science and faith in the public eye. Some don't believe...
A story about a patient with temporal lobe epilepsy and how that relates to religious...
The theologian Rudolf Bultmann said that it is silly for modern people to believe in miracles, but Simon Conway...
Based on the book, ‘The Privileged Planet’ a detailed explanation of the idea that the universe is finely tuned...
Astronomer and author Jennifer Wiseman tells how, since her days as a university student, her faith and her science...
There's something about the world that makes it friendly for life - it almost looks...
Ard Louis shares his thoughts on suffering. He describes how the Bible never gives a full answer for...
Miracles and Intelligent Design are not the same thing. Simon Conway Morris accepts evolution and rejects...
Are we just an evolutionary accident, or is there a purpose to life? Bill Newsome describes how his Christian faith...
This is one of the most important questions concerning the origins of life, and one where Christians...
Alasdair Coles discusses the difference between humans (homo sapiens) and other animals.
There is a passage in the Bible (Job 38 & 39) where God addresses a man, challenging him on his...
David Wilkinson responds to a question about the ethics of human enhancement...
One answer to the problem of evil is simply that we shouldn’t assume that we are to know everything. Another...
Monty Barker - Psychiatrist
Peter Harrison talks about Andrew Dixon White's influential book 'The History of the Warfare...
Peter Harrison talks about differences in the relationship between science and...
Peter Harrison doubts the utility of the way that science and faith are debated in the UK at the moment.
Peter Harrison says that with a good discussion and understanding of science and religion, we...