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Alasdair Coles tries to express just how complicated the human brain is...
A talk given by neurologist Revd Dr Alasdair Coles
A definition of 'emergence'. As systems become complex, behaviour emerges...
The brain and personality are very closely connected. Alasdair Coles outlines...
Bill Newsome explains the evidence so far. But don’t forget that we should expect to find neurological correlates...
The brain has a huge capacity for change, and in childhood it changes quickly...
Alasdair Coles talks about the way religion is related to the brain. He explores...
Humans are unique, but intelligence isn't. Birds such as crows and parrots are very intelligent. Dolphins...
The complexity of religious behaviour and spiritual experience.
Some people try to reduce our everyday experience to the level of biological mechanism. But different levels of...
Questioning the usefulness of talking about a 'God Spot'. Any behaviour involves...
Our brains shape us by constraining the kinds of things we are able to do - but, says Bill Newsome, we also have...
Some elements of our behaviour, explains biologist John Bryant, are at least partly determined by our genes, but the...
Is it possible to stimulate spiritual experience in the brain? Genuine spiritual...
There is some evidence that our genes do have some effect on our personality and talents. But what effect do our...
Alasdair Coles discusses how he sees mind and brain relating to one another. The brain...
Is spiritual experience simply a mis-firing of neurons in the brain, and so not to be trusted? Alister...
Within our law structure we have always had provisions for people who we view as not being responsible because...
What if spiritual experience has no reality outside our skulls? What if we make God? Or is it simply not...
A story about a patient with temporal lobe epilepsy and how that relates to religious...
The spectre of determinism is unnerving for a Christian view of what it means to be human. But this is not a new...
Any neuroscientist knows how much our biology determines our behaviour. But is behaviour 'just'...
Ian Hutchinson uses human thought to illustrate the concept of levels of explanation: understanding thought...
Alasdair Coles explains his understanding of the 'image of God', and how...
John Polkinghorne and Stanford neurobiologist Bill Newsome discuss the relationship between brain matter...
Malcolm Jeeves - Psychologist
One of the biggest ethical questions that we will face over the next ten or twenty years is going to be...